‘Terrible and unintelligible’: Silvio.scaglia.it interviews Franco Debenedetti


Senator Debenedetti, 73 days have passed since Scaglia’s arrest. How do you feel about this use of preventive incarceration?

“I feel that something terrible and unintelligible is happening. This generates fear”.

Franco Debenedetti, an experienced manager who has been elected to the Senate in the listings of the PDS and PD for three terms, was among the first to bring up the issue of Scaglia’s judicial treatment in “Il Sole 24 Ore” of 28 March.

“It is not clear why he is still in prison. There is no danger of him running away. He was in Brazil and came back to Italy spontaneously. He cannot repeat the crime: he has not played any operational role at Fastweb in years. He cannot tamper with evidence, given that after so many months evidence has already been gathered. He cannot influence witnesses whose statements have already been collected”.

Senator, most of these questions had already been raised in your intervention back in March. Did you get an answer?

“No I didn’t, I’m afraid. I understand that they don’t owe me an answer but is it good to leave the public in such bewilderment? My only explanation is that Scaglia is still in prison because “he would not show signs of repentance”. I can hardly believe that: do we live in a secular state governed by the law or have we gone back to the Spanish Inquisition when torture was used to get a confession?”

It’s something that goes beyond human solidarity for a presumed criminal, isn’t it?

Yes. If Scaglia’s rights have been violated, our rights have been violated too. We are entitled to believe that the judiciary system protects us. When we don’t understand, when doubts rise, mistrust and fear come into place. I wonder if we realize how serious this is”.

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“Questo Blog è dedicato alla figura di Silvio Scaglia, imprenditore ed innovatore, protagonista di start up (Omnitel, Fastweb, Babelgum) oggi impegnato in nuove sfide come il rilancio de La Perla, marchio storico del made in Italy. E' un luogo di informazione e di dibattito per tutti gli stakeholders (dipendenti, collaboratori, clienti) ma anche comuni cittadini che hanno seguito le vicende in cui Scaglia, innocente, si è trovato coinvolto fino alla piena assoluzione da parte della giustizia italiana.” - Stefania Valenti, Chief Executive Officer Elite World